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4 Skin Healthy Christmas Treats BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Skin Healthy Christmas Treats

We know Christmas is a time of togetherness, with friends and family, as well as all the good things Christmas brings like hot cocoa, warm fires and decorating the Christmas tree! It is, after all, the most wonderful time of the year!

The holidays usually also mean treats, and lots of them. Want to know what the majority of the population’s New Year’s resolution is? Yep, you guessed it, to get fit and in shape and in fact, membership sales have been known to spike a whopping 100% percent at some gyms! Many of these same members quit just a month or two into the New Year too.

All the excess sugar during the holiday season also takes a toll on your skin and you might notice a dull colour to your complexion or annoying breakouts if you indulge in too many sugary treats.

Instead of eating too unhealthily during the festive season, rather switch up some of your old favourites for these healthier (and just as yummy!) alternatives.

How to Make Eggnog (Minus the Dairy, Eggs and Sugar) by Clean Cuisine

Eggnog (Minus the Dairy, Eggs and Sugar)

How to Make Eggnog (Minus the Dairy, Eggs and Sugar) by Clean Cuisine
Eggnog is a Canadian favourite during the festive season.

The fun thing about eggnog is that you can get creative and enjoy it with or without a shot of brandy or rum, and you can get creative with your spices, cinnamon and nutmeg usually being the favourite for most. Just one whiff of cinnamon and nutmeg gets us right into the Christmas spirit!

The problem with most eggnog recipes, though, is that they are full of full fat cream and lots of sugar.

That’s why we have included this healthier eggnog recipe for you.

This recipe is dairy free, full of healthy fats, which will make your skin glow and refined sugar free. You can leave the alcohol out for a cleaner version.

Mince Pies (Minus the Gluten, packed with Antioxidants)

Gluten Free Mince Pies by Deliciously Ella

Gluten Free Mince Pies by Deliciously Ella
Go to any Christmas party and you are bound to see a plate with these sugary, delicious treats laid out.

Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without them! Again, they are usually loaded with sugar and gluten, which can cause you to feel bloated and sugar takes a toll on not just your skin, but how you feel too.

This healthier version is gluten-free, full of healthy spices and antioxidant rich cranberries, which are wonderful for your skin! No one will know the difference!

Chocolate Bark (with 60% less Sugar)

Superfood Chocolate Bark by My Fussy Eater

Of course chocolate has to make it on the list for all you chocolate lovers out there!

Chocolate bark is the perfect treat and the different sizes means it suits any mood you are in from “I NEED CHOCOLATE” to “A piece of chocolate would be nice”.

We recommend dark chocolate of at least 60% or more as it has less sugar and the flavanoids in it are great for your skin.

Yes, chocolate can be good for you!

Here’s the recipe you want to try tonight!

Gingerbread (with Healthy Substitutions)

Healthy Gingerbread Cookies by Cookie+Kate

It’s that time of year when gingerbread is simply everywhere. From gingerbread lattes to cookies and of course gingerbread houses!

Gingerbread may be delicious and the perfect festive treat, but it can be unhealthy and the frosting is loaded with sugar.

These gingerbread cookies include a few healthy substitutions, without sacrificing any of their delicious flavour!

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