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Cruelty Free Skin Care Routine

The Cruelty-Free Skin Care Routine

Following a proper Cruelty-Free Skin Care Routine is essential for your skin health. Whether it is in spring or summer, following an appropriate routine ensures your skin is healthy without any problems. The market today has a large number of…


Seven Common Myths About Vegan Skincare

Myths About Vegan Skincare   Turning vegan is not only more sustainable and kinder to our multi-legged friends but also can do wonders for your skin. However, while switching to a vegan skincare regime, you will come across a lot…

EWG Verified BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare #ewg

Lowen’s Natural Skincare – Why we are EWG Verified

Our company has been built on the foundation that our products are unique, effective and most importantly safe. As part of the Lowen’s commitment to product safety, we have received a new North American designation that speaks to our commitment…

Verified by MonsterInsights