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Guide to Post Pregnancy Skin Care BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

A Simple Guide To Post Pregnancy Skin Care for Mom and Baby

Pregnancy and becoming a new mom is a magical time in a woman’s life. Along with all the excitement, however, come some drastic changes in hormones that can negatively impact the skin, making a new mom feel quite self-conscious.

There are also common conditions a new baby may suffer from, diaper rash being among the most common.

As common as these conditions may be, they can be very hard to treat and the last thing you want to do is expose yourself or your baby to nasty chemical-laden products, no matter how well they may claim to work! That’s why we’ve put together these post pregnancy skin care tips for mom and baby!

Our Butter Balm is truly the product that started it all after our daughter, Lowen, suffered from a severe diaper rash that would just not go away. Read more about our story here.

After working fantastically at clearing up her diaper rash, we started to hear positive feedback from customers. They let us know that not only did it work like magic for diaper rash, it also helped heal up a host of other skin conditions, including eczema and dry, cracked skin. This multi-purpose balm is very special to our hearts and we want to show you how this product, along with some of our others can make the transition into motherhood a beautiful and seamless process so you can spend more time enjoying being a new mom!

New Mom’s Common Skin Problems After Pregnancy And How To Treat Them

Stretch Marks after Pregnancy

One of the most common complaints of impending motherhood, stretch marks are caused due to the skin being stretched to it’s maximum capacity as your belly grows.

There’s a genetic factor that comes into play too, if your mother got them, chances are you may be more susceptible too.

How to Prevent Stretch Marks:

Apart from making sure your diet is high in Vitamin C rich foods, which can keep your body toned and less susceptible to stretch marks, we recommend that you moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Our Make Room – Stretch Mark and Scar Balm improves skin elasticity as your belly grows and can also help to fade existing imperfections.

It even improves the appearance of cellulite making this balm your new best friend (before) during and after pregnancy!

Dry Skin After Pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can leave your skin dry and flaky after baby comes.

Our Rub It In Why Don’t Ya! Hand and Body Lotion is perfect for treating dry skin as it’s formulated with deeply hydrating, pure ingredients, including Camelina Oil (read about this awesome oil here), as well as organic canola oil, coconut oil and beeswax.

Your skin will take on a healthy glow and stay moisturized for 24 hours plus!

Acne During and After Pregnancy

Along with hormonal changes and dry skin, comes another pesky skin issue, acne.

You may have thought you were past this awkward teenage phase, but with those fluctuating hormones again, nasty pimples often make their appearance.

With your Progesterone rising and your estrogen fluctuating, your pores may become clogged due to increased sebum production.

Treatment for Pregnancy Acne

One of our best recommendations is to make sure you are “consuming cleanly” to help balance out your hormones and control your breakouts.

Drink lots of water, eat lots of healthy fresh leafy greens and and a rainbow of foods that will provide you with an array of important vitamins and antioxidants.

Be sure to keep your skin clean by washing your face twice a day.

Our coconut and hemp oil based cleanser is perfect for all skin types and includes aloe vera making it the perfect choice for even the most sensitive of skins.

Newborn Babies Two Most Common Skin Problems And How To Treat Them

Diaper Rash

This is one of the most common complaints we hear and one we dealt with personally. Our daughter’s rash was so severe that we were at a loss of what to do.

Once I formulated the Butter Balm and saw how (quickly) it worked, I couldn’t wait to share it with other parents dealing with the same issue.

As with our other products, our All-Purpose Butter Balm is free of petrochemicals, artificial preservatives, colourants or scenting agents, making this the perfect treatment of choice for your new, precious baby.

With ingredients, including cold-pressed virgin coconut oil, Camelina Oil, beeswax and healing Vitamin E, our balm forms an excellent barrier to irritants and it is also extremely hydrating for the skin.

Due to it’s skin conditioning properties, our butter balm can be used for nearly every skin condition – on cuticles, cracked heels and even as a protective barrier for new tattoos.

This stuff really does it all!

Baby Eczema

Another condition common with baby we wanted to mention is baby Eczema.

This chronic, itchy skin condition is most prominent on the forehead, cheeks and scalp of infants.

We were excited to realize that our butter balm is effective as an eczema treatment too, so can be used safely on your new baby should they develop baby eczema.

These are just a few common skin conditions new moms and babies may experience.

Exciting News! Lowen is now a big sister!

At Lowen’s you can rest assured that all our products have been tested on ourselves and our children.

Lowen is now a big sister to baby Simone, who is the newest addition to our family!

My wife Lindsay has been using Lowen’s products all throughout and after pregnancy, click here to read all about her personal pregnancy skincare.

Should you have any questions or other complaints not covered in this article, we would be happy to help answer your questions!

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