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Improving Your Skin The Lowens Way

Improving Your Skin the Lowen’s Way

Improving Your Skin the Lowen’s Way   Remember being told to eat your vegetables as a toddler and having to stomach its overpoweringly peppery flavour? Some adults still need a little bit of reminding when it comes to their greens,…

Diaper Rash and How to Avoid It

Seeing a diaper rash on your baby can often hurt one’s sense of parenthood, especially since many people think it’s a big, red sign of negligence. But while dealing with a nasty case of diaper rash often brings moms and…

LOWEN's luscious LIP BALMS

Luscious Lip Balms and Why You Need Them

Plump, kissable, or however you describe them, your lips deserve the best possible care. They’re relatively low-maintenance, and, often, all you’ll need is an exfoliating salt scrub or organic lip balm. Available in dozens of tints and flavours, selecting a…

Lowen's luscious Lip Balm

Why Switch to Organic Lip Balm?

Why switch to organic lip balm? You have probably heard a lot of good things about eating organic food. Besides being more nutritious and easier to digest, organic options are made without pesticides and synthetic chemicals (see fertilizer). So if…

4 Benefits of Using Natural Skincare Products

It takes years to develop a great skincare routine bringing out the best in your skin. You probably spent countless hours browsing YouTube, and scouring the web for your unique skin condition. Many products promise immediately noticeable effects and youthful…

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