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Winter Skincare Tips

With winter, comes dryness, so curl-up and see Lowen's best Winter Skincare Tips.  Extremes of temperature as we venture outside puts our skin through its paces.  Combine that with the fact that our cold, winter air is a greedy bugger,…

Natural Art of Skincare Logo

Natural Art of Skincare Cracks the Case

The Natural Art of Skincare Cracks the Case Rachel Lamont had been a Medical Esthetician for almost a decade, working directly with dermatologists, Botox and lasers, when she reached a point where it just didn’t align with her values anymore…

Bubbles Cleansers and Toners BLOG POST - Happy Customer Reviews - Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Bubbles and cleansers and toners, oh my!

Lowen’s Skincare has come a long way since the inception of Bum Balm back in 2010. We’re excited to share with you these four new products to the lineup: Bubble Paste - Simple Vegan Foaming Madness: This blood orange-scented concoction…

EWG Verified BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare #ewg

Lowen’s Natural Skincare – Why we are EWG Verified

Our company has been built on the foundation that our products are unique, effective and most importantly safe. As part of the Lowen’s commitment to product safety, we have received a new North American designation that speaks to our commitment…

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