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Get Buff - Exfoliating Routine Lowens

Exfoliating Here’s Why You Should Start Right Now

Exfoliating is something many people skip when doing their daily skincare routine. However, this isn’t just an extra step that can be neglected when washing your face—it’s an essential component of basic hygiene and health.  Skin cells turn over much…

the truth behind vegan beauty

The Truth Behind Vegan Beauty

The Truth Behind Vegan Beauty and Why You Should Make the Switch Carnivorous eaters will typically associate veganism with dietary restrictions and abrasive PETA campaigns. Yet, there is more to the lifestyle than plant-based meals and far less anti-leather picketing…

Vitamin E

What Vitamin E Really Does for Your Skin

Seeing as you’ve come to this article, you’re most likely looking for ways to care for your skin better. You may want to bring life back to your complexion, regain moisture in your face, or treat certain issues. Aside from…

Vegan Coconut Based Hair Products

Vegan Coconut Based Hair Products

Vegan Coconut Based Hair Products   It’s hard to find the right hair care products that can offer you all the benefits that you need to maintain healthy and beautiful hair. While difficult, it’s barely impossible; in fact, there are…

Improving Your Skin The Lowens Way

Improving Your Skin the Lowen’s Way

Improving Your Skin the Lowen’s Way   Remember being told to eat your vegetables as a toddler and having to stomach its overpoweringly peppery flavour? Some adults still need a little bit of reminding when it comes to their greens,…

Lowen's is a Finalist in the Eco-Excellence Awards!

Lowen’s is a Finalist in the Eco-Excellence Awards

Lowen's is a Finalist in the Eco-Excellence Awards! Lusher's of Lowens, have you heard the news - Lowen's is a Finalist in the Eco-Excellence Awards? Nominated for not ONE but TWO Eco-Excellence Awards! We’re feeling the love being chosen as…

Signs of Stress in Your Skin - BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Signs of Stress in Your Skin and How to Relieve It

Stress is an ongoing trial that each person experiences regardless of their age, gender, or profession. For most, the effects of stress go unnoticed both inside of a person’s body and outside of it. This may be because they are…

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