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natural skincare vegan

4 Benefits of Switching to Natural Skincare Products

Following a good skincare regimen helps maintain healthy, glowing skin. You may be dealing with skin issues such as acne, pigmentation, flaky skin, inflammation, and blemishes. Having skin problems can also negatively affect your self-esteem and confidence. About 60% of…

Are you Using A Vegan Shampoo

Are You Using A Vegan Shampoo?

When it comes to hair care, you just can’t compromise. Hair will exposed to dust and other pollutants every day. Exposure to the sun, dust, and other pollutants makes hair dirty and can lead to damage over time. Using a…

Benefits of vegan body scrub

10 Benefits of Vegan Exfoliating Scrubs

10 Benefits of Vegan Exfoliating Scrubs Going vegan is most commonly tied to the notion of giving up animal products for diet purposes. Whether it’s for ethical or health reasons, the vegan community is growing to be quite large. So…


Seven Common Myths About Vegan Skincare

Myths About Vegan Skincare   Turning vegan is not only more sustainable and kinder to our multi-legged friends but also can do wonders for your skin. However, while switching to a vegan skincare regime, you will come across a lot…

Lowens Beeswax Benefits

Top 4 Fantastic Beauty Benefits You Get From Beeswax

In the past, beeswax was only used for candles and furniture; throughout the years, people have discovered the wonderful benefits of this organic product. Because it is a natural ingredient, many beauty products, such as body lotion rubs, lipsticks, and…

Vegan Coconut Based Hair Products

Vegan Coconut Based Hair Products

Vegan Coconut Based Hair Products   It’s hard to find the right hair care products that can offer you all the benefits that you need to maintain healthy and beautiful hair. While difficult, it’s barely impossible; in fact, there are…

Improving Your Skin The Lowens Way

Improving Your Skin the Lowen’s Way

Improving Your Skin the Lowen’s Way   Remember being told to eat your vegetables as a toddler and having to stomach its overpoweringly peppery flavour? Some adults still need a little bit of reminding when it comes to their greens,…

Diaper Rash and How to Avoid It

Seeing a diaper rash on your baby can often hurt one’s sense of parenthood, especially since many people think it’s a big, red sign of negligence. But while dealing with a nasty case of diaper rash often brings moms and…

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