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EWG Verified BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare #ewg

Lowen’s Natural Skincare – Why we are EWG Verified

Our company has been built on the foundation that our products are unique, effective and most importantly safe. As part of the Lowen’s commitment to product safety, we have received a new North American designation that speaks to our commitment…

Pipelines and Skincare an Opinion Piece from the CEO BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Pipelines and Skincare an Opinion Piece from the CEO

Pipelines and Skincare - A Lowen's an opinion piece from the CEO Chad Zelensky If you’ve been following us for a while, you may have formed an opinion about what we “stand for” as a business.  That’s good.  We are working…

Farm to Skin BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Farm to Face

We’re assuming we are all familiar with the phrase “from farm to table”, yes? If however we’re making an ass out of you and me, the concept of farm to table is the concept of securing wholesome and fresh ingredients…

Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Local Business Collaboration

Natural Skincare Means Local Ingredients The Lowen's Natural Skincare brand is proud to say we use locally sourced ingredients to create unparalleled and uniquely flavored lip balms. Our priority is that ingredients in our line include local, high quality ingredients…

Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Fight Inflammation with Foods

Did you know that many chronic diseases are caused by inflammation? Inflammation is perfectly normal, and a sign that the body is working properly. Chronic inflammation, however, is a sign that something is going wrong. When you injure any part of your…

Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Lindsay’s Breastfeeding Challenge!

Being a new mom is tough. Behind the scenes of this joyful new addition to your life are all the giant learning curves and physical challenges that us new mothers navigate and overcome. Whether it’s your first, second or fifth baby, every…

Benefits of Shea Butter on Skin and Face - BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Benefits of Shea Butter for Your Skin & Face

Shea butter has become a ubiquitous word in skin care. Many products, especially creams, lotions and body butters contain it. The benefits of shea butter for your skin are incredible due to the intensive hydration it provides, but let's explore what…

Benefits and Uses of Hydresia BLOG POST by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Hydresia – Benefits and Uses

Hydresia - Benefits and Uses: If you’re like I was a couple days ago, right now you’re probably wondering... what exactly is Hydresia? A quick search reveals a rather peculiar looking plant (really...see above image)! It’s from this fiery orange…

VEGAN SALT SCRUB - by Lowen's Natural Skin Care LOWENS.CA #canadiangreenbeauty #naturalskincare

Lowen’s Upcoming vegan Salt Scrub

Exfoliation is the key to soft, smooth and radiant looking skin, but most scrubs on the market today are packed with harmful additives and preservatives that make us think twice about using them on our body. This is why we…

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